Title: FDEM GIS and HAZUS Updates
Description: The Division's Geographic Information System (GIS) section within Information Technology and Management performs spatial analyses, develops the state’s cartographical information, creates GIS applications and tools, oversees geospatial information and data management activities, administers the Division’s geospatial databases, and enhances the capabilities of the Division/SERT GeoPortal and GATOR.
Most of our discussion will be around new advances in geospatial during (Hurricane) Debby.
Date: Wed, August 14, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Presenter: Daniel Rydl, FDEM GIS Administrator
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Title: Where’s the Waste? : Proposed Residential Solid Waste Collection Routes in New Providence, The Bahamas
Description: This presentation discusses the preliminary results of an MS in GIS capstone at the University of West Florida. Since 2013, there have only been minor changes to the solid waste collection policies in the Bahamas; leading to an inconsistent collection schedule, waste overflow, and an increase in rodent population and disease spread. This project addresses the recent challenges that waste collection companies and residents face regarding timely solid waste collection in New Providence, The Bahamas, by developing and proposing official residential solid waste collection routes. Using spatial data, routes have been developed to ensure residential solid waste can be collected regularly and consistently in all areas, while increasing efficiency for the contracted waste collection companies.
Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Gabrielle Hudson, GIS Analyst, GIS Education Coordinator at Bahamas National GIS Centre
Title: The Tampa Bay Storm Surge Impact Forecasting Tool (SSIFT)
Description: The Tampa Bay Storm Surge Impact Forecasting Tool (SSIFT) is an advanced geoprocessing application designed specifically for the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay regions. This tool harnesses real-time data to predict storm surge impacts and inland inundation depths during coastal flooding events. By integrating the STOFS-3D-Atlantic model for water levels with the National Water Model outputs, it forecasts up to 48 hours ahead, considering both coastal and inland hydrology as well as extreme precipitation effects. High-resolution Digital Elevation Models, along with regional infrastructure data, enable detailed spatial analysis of potential impacts. The tool also employs Hazus flood damage libraries to estimate regional economic impacts, such as building and content losses, debris generation, and recovery times.
Date: Wed, June 12, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Presenter: Matt Goolsby- Clearview Land Design, P.L.
Title: Cloud Hosting your Enterprise GIS Environment
Description: In the ever-changing world of technology, the trend for cloud-hosting your Enterprise GIS environment is increasing rapidly. As new or enhanced business systems come online, GIS has become a core component of all government agencies. The high demand for spatially integrated systems has made GIS a pillar in daily business needs, including asset management, permitting, code cases, and business tax. In doing so, the need for uninterrupted and secure GIS access has become a must. Join us to review the process and benefits of migrating to a cloud hosted Enterprise GIS.
Date: Wed, May 15, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Matt Morey and Black & Veatch
Title: Provide Value, Time and Money to Your Organization with Survey123
Description: Palm Beach County, Florida completed the annual Homeless Point-In-Time Count in 2022, 2023 and 2024 using Esri’s Survey123. This annual initiative had over 50 County Staff and over 350 Volunteers coordinating county-wide. Previously, the Count was done partially with paper interview forms and two different software applications. The Homeless Point-In-Time Count Solution delivered a set of capabilities that enable us to capture surveys during the count, visualize the extent of homelessness, filter key metrics captured in the survey and export the information in a report that was delivered to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Palm Beach County was awarded a 2023 NACo Achievement Award in Information Technology for this initiative.
Date: Wed, Apr 17, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Regina Hagger- GIS Manager for Palm Beach County Information Systems Services in West Palm Beach, Florida. Ms. Hagger has a Master’s degree in Geography and GIS and a Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture.
Title: Daily Earth Data to See Change and Make Better Decisions
Description: With roughly 200 Dove CubeSat satellites in orbit, the PlanetScope constellation provides a continuous and complete view of the world from above. Leverage this global, daily dataset to see and understand daily changes on Earth. For more information: https://www.planet.com/
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Date: Wed, Jan 24, 2024 12:30 PM EST
Presenters: TBD
Title: Lead and Copper Replacement Rule
Description: LCRR is a nationwide requirement for all Community Water System (CWSs) and Non-Transient Non-Community Water System (NTNCWSs) to present a detailed inventory on all service lines and ownership. The inventory shall include the system and customer owned portions for all service lines in the distribution system and determine their material. FTC has developed detailed inventory template and is assisting multiple clients with acquiring and processing all available data to satisfy LCRR. FTC employees attend trainings, investigate multiple resources and continue to improve their knowledge of LCRR and its regulations.
Date: Wed, Sept 13th, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Presenters: Nikolina Trifonova has her degree in Engineering and is a Lead and Copper Project Coordinator for Florida Technical Consultants. Nikolina has over six years of engineering experience, hydraulic modeling and intermediate GIS knowledge.
James Barton, PE is the president and owner of Florida Technical Consultants. His background experience covers all program components with 20 years’ experience in engineering design and project management of water, sanitation and stormwater programs.
Title: Exploring the Use of Modern AI Tools for Easement Mapping in GIS
Description: There are many challenges with mapping legal descriptions from scanned documents using Coordinate Geometry (COGO) tools in GIS. AI can automate much of the time-consuming process involved with recognizing text patterns in scanned documents required to map easements from metes and bounds descriptions.
Date: Wed, Aug 16th, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Jim Sahlie, PE, GISP of SolisGIS
Date: Wed, June 28th, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Presenter: Daniel Rydl, FDEM GIS Administrator and Tom Gates, Town of Jupiter GIS Manager
Title: UF GeoPlan Center, Florida Geographic Data Library Updates
Description: The Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL) is a collection of Geospatial Data, and serves as a mechanism for distributing spatial (GIS) data throughout the state of Florida. The FGDL is warehoused and maintained at the University of Florida’s GeoPlan Center, a GIS Research and Teaching Facility, with support from the Florida Department of Transportation. The GIS data available in FGDL is collected from various state, federal, and other agencies (“data sources”) who are data stewards, originators, producers, or publishers.
FGDL data categories are very diverse, and include land cover, hydrography, soils, environmental quality, conservation, transportation, and boundaries. In 1998, when the project was launched, the website consisted of 80 layers. The site currently contains over 600 layers and continues to expand into new disciplines and practices. FGDL has grown into an integral academic library for the College of Design, Construction, and Planning in the University of Florida and is a valuable resource for a variety of professions in the state of Florida.
Date: Wed, May 17, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Sam Palmer, of the UF GeoPlan Center.
FLURISA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.