Title: Where’s the Waste? : Proposed Residential Solid Waste Collection Routes in New Providence, The Bahamas
Description: This presentation discusses the preliminary results of an MS in GIS capstone at the University of West Florida. Since 2013, there have only been minor changes to the solid waste collection policies in the Bahamas; leading to an inconsistent collection schedule, waste overflow, and an increase in rodent population and disease spread. This project addresses the recent challenges that waste collection companies and residents face regarding timely solid waste collection in New Providence, The Bahamas, by developing and proposing official residential solid waste collection routes. Using spatial data, routes have been developed to ensure residential solid waste can be collected regularly and consistently in all areas, while increasing efficiency for the contracted waste collection companies.
Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Gabrielle Hudson, GIS Analyst, GIS Education Coordinator at Bahamas National GIS Centre
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