Florida URISA!

eFLURISA is an initiative of the Florida URISA Chapter intended to promote education and networking for the GIS community in Florida. This program brings you educational webinars, interactive presentations and collaborative virtual meetings without putting a strain on your travel or training budget.


Webinar Schedule (note: click here to register):

Title:  FDEM GIS and HAZUS Updates

Date: Wed, August 14, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Description: The Division's Geographic Information System (GIS) section within Information Technology and Management performs spatial analyses, develops the state’s cartographical information, creates GIS applications and tools, oversees geospatial information and data management activities, administers the Division’s geospatial databases, and enhances the capabilities of the Division/SERT GeoPortal and GATOR.

Most of our discussion will be around new advances in geospatial during (Hurricane) Debby.

Presenter: Daniel Rydl, FDEM GIS Administrator

FLURISA webinars are free of charge for members. If you are member please click the eFLURISA Registration to access the GoTo Webinar sign up link.


Florida Conferences

Past Webinars (Click to Follow):

FLURISA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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