Title: FDEM GIS and HAZUS Updates
Description: The Division's Geographic Information System (GIS) section within Information Technology and Management performs spatial analyses, develops the state’s cartographical information, creates GIS applications and tools, oversees geospatial information and data management activities, administers the Division’s geospatial databases, and enhances the capabilities of the Division/SERT GeoPortal and GATOR.
Date: Wed, June 28th, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Presenter: Daniel Rydl, FDEM GIS Administrator and Tom Gates, Town of Jupiter GIS Manager
Apply Here
Title: UF GeoPlan Center, Florida Geographic Data Library Updates
Description: The Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL) is a collection of Geospatial Data, and serves as a mechanism for distributing spatial (GIS) data throughout the state of Florida. The FGDL is warehoused and maintained at the University of Florida’s GeoPlan Center, a GIS Research and Teaching Facility, with support from the Florida Department of Transportation. The GIS data available in FGDL is collected from various state, federal, and other agencies (“data sources”) who are data stewards, originators, producers, or publishers.
FGDL data categories are very diverse, and include land cover, hydrography, soils, environmental quality, conservation, transportation, and boundaries. In 1998, when the project was launched, the website consisted of 80 layers. The site currently contains over 600 layers and continues to expand into new disciplines and practices. FGDL has grown into an integral academic library for the College of Design, Construction, and Planning in the University of Florida and is a valuable resource for a variety of professions in the state of Florida.
Date: Wed, May 17, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Sam Palmer, of the UF GeoPlan Center.
Title: USI – Empowering the future of Unmanned Aircraft
Description: We care about the future of the aviation industry and the workforce that will supply the unmanned community. We take pride in educating, training, and certifying the elite in unmanned safety to go beyond proficiency and create industry leaders, innovators, visionaries, and aviators. Take pride in the credentials earned through USI as you are joining the future of unmanned aviation. Let's go there together.
Date: Wed, April 19th, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Josh Olds
Title: Becoming a Certified Professional; Becoming A GISP
Description: We will have a discussion on professional certification, its importance, and what it takes to become a GISP
Date: Wed, March 22nd, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Presenter: Tony Spicci GISP CGMP, GISCI Executive Director
Title: Using Hazus and GIS to help create Florida’s 2023 State Hazard Mitigation Plan
Description: Florida has an Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP) which identifies hazards and assesses risks to the state of Florida and then identifies goals and objectives to address those hazards and risks. GIS plays a key role in analyzing hazards and their effects. We’ll discuss projects and strategies involved in creating the 2023 SHMP, with a special focus on Hazus.
Date: Wednesday Aug 17, 2022 ⋅ 12:30am – 1:30pm EDT
Presenter: Daniel Rydl, GIS Administrator, FDEM
Title: Increasing Community Resiliency to Flooding and Sea Level Rise
Description: The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is engaged in many efforts to plan for and implement infrastructure and other mitigation measures to increase community resiliency to flooding and sea level rise (SLR). Included are the Flood Protection Level of Service Program (FPLOS), the Sea Level Rise and Flood Resiliency Plan, and development of water and climate resilience metrics to track and document shifts and trends with the potential to adversely impact flood protection, water supply and Everglades Restoration. Geospatial tools and technologies are an important part of these programs and evaluations. This webinar will provide background on SFWMD Resiliency and FPLOS efforts and the geospatial tools being proposed, developed and used in support of these efforts.
Date: Wed, April 20, 2022 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Presenters: Carolina Maran,Ph.D., P.E. is the District Resilience Officer with South Florida Water Management District. In her role, she is responsible for coordinating resilience efforts across federal, state, regional and local agencies, advancing scientific research and data analysis to ensure the District’s resilience planning and projects are founded on the best available science; and, developing and implementing comprehensive resiliency goals to mitigate and adapt to the challenges facing the District’s infrastructure and core functions from sea level rise and other climate change impacts. cmaran@sfwmd.gov
Christine Carlson leads a team of geospatial professionals in the development and maintenance of enterprise geospatial data and the deployment of geospatial products and tools. She has worked on water resource projects for more than 25 years including the Kissimmee River Restoration Project, the Kissimmee Basin Modeling and Operations Study, and the Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area Hydrologic Restoration Study. She holds a Master’s Degree in Geography from Northern Illinois University. She and her team were recognized in 2016 with an ESRI Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award. ccarlso@sfwmd.gov
Francisco Peña, PhD. is a Resiliency Project Manager at the SFWMD and a Courtesy Post-Doc at Florida International University. His research focus on understanding compound flooding interactions from a probabilistic and deterministic perspective. He holds two Ph.D. degrees in Earth Systems Science from Florida International University and Civil & Environmental Engineering from University of Florence (Italy). Currently, Francisco continues to publish at international scientific journals and serves as the compound events expert on the FIU UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Security and on the international board of the Association of Floodplain State Managers (ASFPM). fpena@sfwmd.gov
FLURISA is seeking nominations for positions on our executive board. Board members must be members in good standing with the URISA national organization. Positions that are currently available on the FLURISA executive board include: Vice President - a two-year term, which rotates into the president
In addition to the executive board positions, two regional director positions are also vacant and open to candidates for consideration. Open Regions include Gatorland and Northwest. See map Interested parties should send an email identifying themselves to the FLURISA nominating committee nc@flurisa.org and the position for which they would like to be considered, along with a copy of the individual’s resume to the FLURISA nominating committee by March 4th, 2022, March 31st, 2022. The FLURISA nominating committee will compile the nominations prior to a meeting for voting that will be held virtually in May. The meeting is open to any FLURISA member in good standing. We will be updating www.flurisa.org with details on the meeting time and date.
Thank you, FLURISA Board
Title: Real-Time Data in Action: How to Leverage Streaming Information into Visual Dashboards
Description: This webinar will explore different methods and alternatives for streaming and displaying near real time data into visualization dashboards such as ESRI’s AGOL, Microsoft PowerBI, and others. We’ll talk through real world examples of data streams from various sources and how to retrieve data and then discuss industry best practices and examples of dashboard visualization tools. Broader topics may include:
Date: Wed, December 15, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Presenters: Keith Smith, GISP: Through his role leading the Southeast Applied Technology team, Keith works to create innovative and effective solutions. Keith specializes in data management, including Big Data, where Keith has designed and architected systems that deliver powerful analytics across Smart Cities, transportation systems, planning efforts, freight networks, and health initiatives. Serving as the Southeast Applied Technology Manager, Keith has contributed on multiple dynamic and cross discipline solutions that deliver impactful solutions. His ability to comprehensibly break down complex process into navigable procedures has guided multiple clients to successful implementations of technology while maintaining the high level of quality. As a GISP with a background in geography, Keith understands the spatial landscape of data and how to effectively use geospatial technologies to identify relationships and patterns. Keith has developed numerous dashboards for delivering this powerful data, providing user friendly platforms for interacting and retrieving these metrics. krsmith@vhb.com
Josie Sanchez: As a programmer, Josie performs many roles throughout VHB including web development, database administration, data management including data visualization tools such as Microsoft Power BI, Kibana, and geospatial analytics. She is a focused team member who is highly versed in web, code, data, and accessibility requirements including key ADA and 508 compliance reviews. jsanchez@vhb.com
First of all, thank you very much for your support of FLURISA during the 2019/20 year. It is that time of year where we once again ask for your continued support. We have officially joined the OneURISA initiative, which will go into effect in January 2022. For this reason, we have prorated membership dues to $12.50 and this will be good through January 2022.
FLURISA still exists and will continue forward, however, our membership model is changing. Under OneURISA, the two memberships are being merged together. URISA (our parent organization) will collect one membership fee. Paying the URISA membership will automatically include membership in both URISA and FLURISA. The reason for the mid-year prorated value is to get in alignment with the URISA model which resets in January 2022.
We are working closely with URISA to make this as smooth a transition as possible. For our members, we are asking them to join FLURISA for the remainder of 2021 and then join URISA as you normally would starting in 2022.
We as a board are working out all the details of what membership entails along with “Friends of FLURISA”, non-URISA members who still contribute and participate in select events throughout Florida. We’ll be announcing more details in the coming months as we work with URISA and get those details ironed out.
For our corporate sponsorship, nothing has changed other than as a bonus to being a FLURISA sponsor you get access to a larger audience as URISA members will have full access to all FLURISA activities.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Title: How GISCorps Crowdsourced over 65,000 COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Sites
Description: GISCorps volunteers have been mapping COVID-19 testing sites since March of 2020, and vaccination sites since January 2021. But they haven't worked alone... they've had help from government agencies, other nonprofit groups, healthcare providers, private companies, and the public. In this webinar, we discuss the lessons we learned along the way and we share the data and apps we've produced.
Date: Wed, August 18, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Presenter: Holly Torpey, GISP, is GISCorps' part-time program coordinator and a GISCorps volunteer herself. Holly has a master's degree in Geographic Information Science and Technology and a background using GIS to manage natural resources for the federal government and private industry.
FLURISA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.