Title: Increasing Community Resiliency to Flooding and Sea Level Rise
Description: The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is engaged in many efforts to plan for and implement infrastructure and other mitigation measures to increase community resiliency to flooding and sea level rise (SLR). Included are the Flood Protection Level of Service Program (FPLOS), the Sea Level Rise and Flood Resiliency Plan, and development of water and climate resilience metrics to track and document shifts and trends with the potential to adversely impact flood protection, water supply and Everglades Restoration. Geospatial tools and technologies are an important part of these programs and evaluations. This webinar will provide background on SFWMD Resiliency and FPLOS efforts and the geospatial tools being proposed, developed and used in support of these efforts.
Date: Wed, April 20, 2022 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Presenters: Carolina Maran,Ph.D., P.E. is the District Resilience Officer with South Florida Water Management District. In her role, she is responsible for coordinating resilience efforts across federal, state, regional and local agencies, advancing scientific research and data analysis to ensure the District’s resilience planning and projects are founded on the best available science; and, developing and implementing comprehensive resiliency goals to mitigate and adapt to the challenges facing the District’s infrastructure and core functions from sea level rise and other climate change impacts. cmaran@sfwmd.gov
Christine Carlson leads a team of geospatial professionals in the development and maintenance of enterprise geospatial data and the deployment of geospatial products and tools. She has worked on water resource projects for more than 25 years including the Kissimmee River Restoration Project, the Kissimmee Basin Modeling and Operations Study, and the Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area Hydrologic Restoration Study. She holds a Master’s Degree in Geography from Northern Illinois University. She and her team were recognized in 2016 with an ESRI Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award. ccarlso@sfwmd.gov
Francisco Peña, PhD. is a Resiliency Project Manager at the SFWMD and a Courtesy Post-Doc at Florida International University. His research focus on understanding compound flooding interactions from a probabilistic and deterministic perspective. He holds two Ph.D. degrees in Earth Systems Science from Florida International University and Civil & Environmental Engineering from University of Florence (Italy). Currently, Francisco continues to publish at international scientific journals and serves as the compound events expert on the FIU UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Security and on the international board of the Association of Floodplain State Managers (ASFPM). fpena@sfwmd.gov
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